What is more Beautiful, a smooth clay lamp that hasn't be "fired" or a mosaic, ceramic lamp?
Hands down, it is the mosaic, ceramic lamp with it's broken pieces arranged into unique patterns, (some may feel that the unfired lamp is more desirable, but a fired mosaic, ceramic lamp is more striking, stronger, more durable, and reflects light from more faceted surfaces than any unfired lamp).
In ceramics, a potter begins a lamp at the potter's wheel, creating a lamp from clay, molds it by hand, shapes it into being, then leaves it to harden. He will then pick it up, decorate it, and fire it in a hot furnace to melt into glass. Surprisingly, after a lamp has cooled, and perhaps due to its flaws, a Master Potter may sometimes let a lamp fall to his feet to be Broken. He picks up its pieces and uses them to make a more Beautiful lamp. Why would a master potter make a mosaic lamp out of the broken pieces versus just sweep them in the trash and start another lamp. Why? Because the master potter Created the lamp, He invested time, love, memories, thoughts, intentions, and plans into the lamp to make it great and beautiful. He has invested himself in the lamp, it reflects him (who he is as a lamp maker). His very name as a Master Potter is at stake. He doesn't want to discard the lamp because it is a part of himself.
God is a master potter. God created us and He Loves us. He lets us be broken, we fall at his feet worthless (but we are not worthless to God), God picks us up, plans our future piece by piece, recreates us into Beautiful lamps that reflect His Light. Believers in Jesus Christ recognize that they are "flawed" but also realize that they've been remade into beautiful mosaics. Yes, we have been "fired" in the hot furnace of trials and tribulations, we have fallen and laid broken at Jesus' feet in prayer. We have been recreated by the very hand and Spirit of God. Let your light shine!... "Thank you Lord."