Jesus Christ is Lord!

The Great Commission

"Us four and no more!" ...What if Noah and his three sons had said that?

Some people believe that salvation and the calling of God are just for them and their church, or denomination, or family. Jesus came to save the whole world, everyone, but not everyone believes God. (Believing in God, and believing God, are two different things).

When Noah built the Ark, it took 150 years! He preached the entire time the message that God was going to send a great flood to cleanse the earth of wickedness and to "Get ready!" For fifteen decades, Noah told everybody who would listen. Only those people closest to him, believed what God spoke through him. Only eight souls were saved in the ark.

It's been over 200 decades since Jesus preached, "Get ready!" And that the Great Day of the Lord is coming when God will cleanse the earth again, but not with water, with FIRE. Only those closest to Jesus, believe what God spoke through Him. "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you."

The Bible prophecies that comparatively only a few souls will be saved. Still, Christians must warn others of God's coming judgement against an ungodly world just as Noah did. The "Good News!" is that God has provided for us a safe refuge in Jesus Christ. It is not for us to chose who to witness to. Jesus commissioned us, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel."

