Jesus Christ is Lord!

Bible Reading

What book are you currently reading, or have read lately? A novel, encyclopedia, or magazine? Perhaps, there's a news article you've just laid down, or a love letter, or menu. Think of all the media you've read today, yesterday, last week, and in the past year - at work and at leisure. Or the stories you've read from childhood, fairy tales and Aesop's Fables. 

How many textbooks, reports, newspapers, novels, and children's books have been edited, reviewed, or rewritten for "just the right word." All of them. Yet, this is the reason some people won't read the Bible. 

Without the Bible, we wouldn't have the story of Adam and Eve, David and Goliath, Samson and Delilah, Noah's Flood, Jacob's Ladder, or Joseph's Coat-of-many-colors; or the story of Moses leading 3 million Hebrew slaves out of Egypt through the Red Sea and toward the Promised Land, and Moses on top of Mt. Sinai interceding before God for those same people who unknowingly broke the Ten Commandments before he did! And the story of Jesus Christ who said he was God's Son and preached love and forgiveness and declared that we are no longer under the Law, but under Grace, and how Jesus was murdered by religious rulers for his gospel, and then how God rose him from the dead 3 days later to prove who he was! And how the resurrection shadows the story of Jonah and the whale.

Regardless, wether or not one believes the Bible is true or not, it is rich in history of middle-eastern kings, literature, poetry, and proverbs...and past and future prophecies that far surpass Nastrodomous's quatrains. There's a scarlet thread that weaves through Genesis to Revelation and ties everything together. We see the beautiful tapestry unfold when we take time to read the Bible.
